
Farideh Shahsavarani is a well-known painter, photographer, Video Art and Installation artist. Born in 1955 in Iran, she holds an MFA in Painting. Having served as Department Chair of the Graphic Department at Islamic Azad University in Tehran, she currently teaches and serves as a member of the faculty board of Azad University-Architecture group. She is a Member of the Association of Iranian Painters (AIP), and a Member of the Visual Art Development Center of Iran. She has over 16 Solo Exhibitions Festival and over 200 Group Exhibitions in Iran and abroad.

Farideh Shahsavarani began her art career as a painter, but in the course of time, her search for other means and ways of creativity lead her to Installation and video art. All these are instruments for her to express her quest for light, spirituality, and the forgotten meaning of life.

farideh shahsavarani

Art Works History

  1. Honorary Diploma for the"Elected Art Work", 1th Experimental Painting Graphic Exhibition, Tehran
  1. Women Artistic Festival, Niavaran Cultural Center, Tehran
  2. “Elected Art Work”, 3th New Art Exhibition, Saba Museum, Tehran
  3. “Elected Video Art” (I Wrote, You Read), Moscow International Film Festival
  4. “Elected Video Art” (I Will Be Back), Moscow International Film Festival
  1. “Elected Video Art” (I Wrote, You Read), New York International Video Art Festival
  1. “Elected Video Art” (Untitled), France International Video Art Festival
  1. “Elected Video Art” (H2O3), France International Video Art Festival

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